Beauty Collective - 7 of the most common skin concerns

7 of the most common skin concerns – solved!

We are all on the quest for healthy, flawless skin, but sadly many of us fall victim to a number of common skin conditions, from acne to hyperpigmentation, rosacea flare ups to enlarged pores and more. And now more than ever, many of us are seeing these exacerbated thanks to the stress that lockdown can bring!

But there is no need to suffer in silence, the experts at Beauty Collective have your back and we are here to help solve your concerns. Read on to discover 7 of the most common skin conditions and how to combat them!



Just when you thought your years of pesky pimples were behind you, you’re hit with a new phase of blemishes – adult acne. Probably the most common of all skincare concerns, acne is triggered by a variety of causes – from oil production to hormone imbalance, bad diet and genetics – and comes in many forms! So, if you’ve been trying to resolve your acne with no success it may well be because you’ve misdiagnosed which type of acne you are suffering from, and sadly mistreating it can have an adverse effect on your skin’s health!  Before you can truly begin to work out how to combat those blemishes you need to understand more about acne and how to correctly treat your type. Check out our blog Acne explained: Which type do you suffer from and how to best treat it, for everything you need to know.


Skin sensitivity and rosacea

If your skin tends to react to everything and anything, you are prone to facial flair-ups and you suffer from inflammation you are one of many suffering from serious skin sensitivity and possibly rosacea.

Unfortunately, any number of factors can contribute to skin sensitivity some of which are out of our control – genetics, the environment, the weather, our hormones, the water – but by following some simple lifestyle tips you can banish the blush, hugely improve your complexion, as well as your confidence too! Read more here.



Hyperpigmentation, otherwise known as dark spots, is another very common skin concern. The condition most commonly occurs due to overproduction of melanin, the natural pigment in the skin, which is why it’s often exacerbated during the sunny summer months (thank you sunshine!) However, it can also occur due to inflammation caused by conditions like acne (just want you don’t need) and while hyperpigmentation can be hard to avoid for some, you can definitely help reduce its severity.

There are 4 key ingredients to look out for in your skincare when targeting hyperpigmentation, these include; vitamin C, retinol, AHA’s and BHA’s. Sunscreen is also a MUST. We all know wearing SPF daily is a game changer, after all it can prevent sunburn, skin cancer and premature aging! But did you know wearing SPF can also dramatically decrease your chances of getting hyperpigmentation as well as reducing it too!

For the fight against hyperpigmentation, I highly recommend Vie Collection’s Mela White Protective Sunscreen SPF30, this amazing daily cream is formulated with two high-tech ingredients that act against dark spots, free radicals and UV rays. After daily use dark spots become less visible and skin more unified.

Vie Collection - Mela White Protective Sunscreen SPF30

For your daily moisturiser Medicalia’s L Retinol Smoothing Cream should be your go-to when it comes to battling hyperpigmentation! Formulated with retinol, Glycolic and Lactic Acid, it’s an excellent resurfacing and lightening cream for photodamaged skin.  Just be sure to introduce it slowly and apply before bed. To learn more about retinol click here.

L retinol cream

For that important dose of vitamin C, we love Pevonia’s C Complexe. Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid work together to hydrate, correct photo damage and drench your skin with repairing antioxidants for a revitalized, youthful glow. It’s really good stuff and I’m a testament to that!

Pevonia C Complexe


Dry skin

If you’re like me and a sufferer of dry, devitalised skin, I feel you! Whether your skin is in need of a burst of hydration all year round, or it’s currently an issue due to winter and lockdown, the most important way to address your dry skin is to keep skin nourished and moisturised, religiously.  Click here to learn about the 5 best products to bring your dry skin back to life.


Dull skin

The most common cause of dull lacklustre skin is a build-up of dead skin cells. Urgh. This happens when we neglect to slough them away! Weekly skin exfoliation is therefore a necessity for all of us! Even those with sensitive skin. Look for an exfoliator that will help brighten your complexion as well as smooth your skin. Pevonia’s Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser is my go-to. This rather lovely, gentle exfoliator will not only remove unwanted dead nasties but will promise to have your skin impeccably clean, soft and radiant in a matter of moments too!

Pevonia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser blog

I also love Pevonia’s Enzymo Spherides Peeling Cream! Yes, that product I love to rave about! It combines natural fruit pineapple and papaya enzymes to gently and effectively eliminate impurities, blackheads, dead cells, and toxins and it’s so easy to use! Simply apply a thin layer to cleansed skin, wet your fingertips with warm water (this will help to ‘wake up’ the enzymes) and work the peeling cream with gentle massage movements into skin, leave on for 5 minutes and then thoroughly rinse away.

Using this once a week will help you gain a brighter, smoother, clearer complexion. Trust me. Just don’t let the word ‘peel’ put you off!

Pevonia - Enzymo Spherides Peeling Cream

Another tip for reviving dull skin? Adding a vitamin C serum, like Pevonia’s “C” Complexe to your skin care regimen. This serum will help boost radiance while reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Win, win!


Enlarged pores

Large pores for many can be a real nuisance! After all, it’s so common for people to stress over their size. This is because the smaller the pores, the clearer your skin appears, and in many cases, size does matter! Enlarged pores can indicate clogging and or oil and bacteria build up! Check out our blog 5 ways to effectively reduce your pores for the intel on the products you need in your life.


Dark circles & puffy eyes

Staring at a screen more than ever since #lockdown? Pulling late nights to play catch up and as a result, eyes looking tired? And dark circles more apparent? Tick, tick, tick!

Too much screen time and a lack of sleep can result in puffy eyes and dark circles! So when it comes to addressing these issues it’s all about using the right eye products to help counteract their appearance. Fed up of your tired, puffy eyes? Here’s what you need.