
Peptides: How this ingredient is transforming skincare

You’ve probably heard about Peptides, another key ingredient we are told to incorporate into our everyday skincare routine! But when we are already slathering on Vitamin C, Retinol, Collagen, Niacinamide (and more!) in our quest to defy premature ageing and achieve healthy, glowing skin, why are peptides so essential too? Keep reading as we uncover all there is to know about peptides and how these unsung heroes can help to transform your complexion.

 Firstly though, what are peptides?

Hailed as the key to achieving, youthful, radiant skin, peptides are short chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, including collagen, elastin and keratin, crucial for maintaining skin structure and elasticity.

What do peptides do for your skin?

These small but mighty molecules are gaining recognition for their remarkable ability to address various signs of ageing, making them a coveted ingredient in skincare formulations.

As we age, our production of collagen, elastin and keratin decline, leading to fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Peptides work by signalling the skin to produce more of these proteins replenishing what’s lost and in turn helping to restore a more youthful complexion! Clever stuff hey?


Key benefits of peptides in skincare:

  1. Peptides boost collagen production

Peptides stimulate collagen synthesis, promoting firmer, plumper skin and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  1. Peptides enhance skin elasticity

By supporting elastin production, peptides help improve skin elasticity, leading to a smoother and more youthful-looking complexion.

  1. Peptides improve skin texture

Peptides can help refine skin texture, minimizing the appearance of pores and promoting a smoother, more even skin tone.

  1. Peptides hydrate and nourish

Some peptides have moisturising properties, helping to hydrate the skin and maintain its barrier function, preventing moisture loss and enhancing overall skin health.

  1. Peptides protect against environmental damage

Certain peptides have antioxidant properties, defending the skin against free radicals and environmental stressors, which can accelerate skin ageing.

How to incorporate peptides into your skincare routine

Look for skincare products containing peptides, such as serums, moisturisers, and eye creams. These products are formulated to deliver peptides directly to the skin, maximizing their effectiveness. Incorporate them into your daily skincare routine, applying them after cleansing and toning, and before moisturising. Consistency is key to seeing visible results, so use peptide-rich products regularly to reap their full benefits.


Can you layer peptides with vitamin c and other key ingredients?

Overall, peptides work well with other key skincare ingredients including vitamin c, niacinamide, retinol, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid, and can generally be layered with them to address multiple skin concerns and achieve optimal results.

However, layering peptides with AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) is not advisable as the AHAs will actually make the peptides work less efficiently.

Are peptides good for all skin types including sensitive skin?

Peptides can be beneficial for all skin types, including sensitive skin, when used in appropriate formulations and concentrations. Since peptides are generally gentle and well-tolerated by most skin types, they are less likely to cause irritation or sensitivity reactions. Peptides can offer valuable benefits for sensitive skin, such as improving hydration, enhancing skin barrier function, and promoting a more youthful complexion. However, it’s essential to choose peptide products that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin and free from potential irritants such as fragrances, dyes, and harsh preservatives.

The peptide skincare products we are loving:

Naturys Anti-Age Multi-Peptide Serum – Formulated with hyaluronic acid, this product packs a punch when it comes to hydration but thanks to its additional combination of nourishing and anti-ageing ingredients including an array of peptides and vitamin C, it leaves your skin softer, smoother and visibly radiant too. Oh and its organic and vegan – we love that!

Naturys Antiage Multi-Peptide Serum

HubisLab Premium Active Eternal Face & Eye CreamI not only personally love how this product is a 2-in-1 – your moisturiser and your eye cream, but I also love how baby soft my skin is these days after religiously using it! It’s nourishing but light and has definitely made a difference to not only my face but to the delicate area around my eyes too! What’s more, it’s packed with a plethora of goodies from of course peptides to Hyaluronic acid and Botulinum-derived component, an Ingredient that is similar to Botox! No wonder the wrinkles around my eyes have practically disappeared!

Hubislab - Premium Active Eternal Eye & Face Cream korean skincare korean beauty

ELES Blue Light Radiant BB Cream. This outstanding BB Cream might be classed as makeup, but it’s packed with a powerhouse of skincare goodies including peptides, vitamin c, niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin e!

Multi-tasking it protects, primes, tints, nourishes, evens out skin tone and helps to strengthen skin and its game-changing formula shields skin from not only from damaged UV rays but blue light from our devices too!

Not just another BB Cream, this BB Cream will improve your skin’s elasticity while softening the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and will leave skin with a long-lasting radiant glow every time you apply. It’s brilliant!

ELES Cosmetics Blue Light BB Cream 30

By incorporating peptide-rich skincare products into your routine, you can rejuvenate and revitalize your complexion, revealing a smoother, firmer, and more radiant appearance.