Beauty Collective - healthy glowing skin

These are the dos and don’ts for achieving healthy, glowing skin

We all strive for flawless perfect skin, that beautifully youthful and healthy complexion free of blemishes, dark spots and other signs of ageing, but achieving truly healthy skin requires us to pay consistent care and attention to our skin’s needs, and we aren’t just about our morning skincare routine. There are in fact a multitude of steps we should be taking to help our skin daily. Here are the dos and don’ts to keeping skin looking and feeling great day in and day out.


  1. DO cleanse skin every day

Cleansing skin is a MUST. In fact, cleansing is the most important step in your skincare routine. Cleansing helps to remove excess oil, dirt and dead skin sitting on your skin’s surface which can contribute to the development of skin problems like spots if left! Daily cleansing also helps to balance your skin’s pH levels which can prevent dryness and irritation. Cleansing will also help enhance product absorption! This means those products such as your moisturiser and serum will be able to penetrate your skin much more effectively and provide maximum benefits!

To learn more about the importance of cleansing and how a great cleanser will improve your skin tenfold click here.


  1. DO hydrate your skin morning and night

Everything we do always takes hydration out of our skin. Wearing makeup, applying cleansers, sweating, drinking alcohol, and the sun!  all take moisture out of our skin so it’s super important to not only drink water but to use hydrating products daily too! Make sure you invest in quality hydrating moisturisers, serums and cleansers that will replenish skin with moisture and not dry it out more! And for extra efficiency and penetration of active ingredients remember to moisturise while your skin is still damp after your shower.


  1. DO apply sunscreen every. single. day. All year round.

It’s easy to think why bother with sunscreen on days when it’s a little overcast or raining even, but as I’ve preached many a time before, sunscreen isn’t just a summertime skincare product when it’s hot and the sky is blue, the sun is always there and has the ability to penetrate through those clouds no matter how thick they are!

It’s important to remember that wearing sunscreen is THE best protection against skin ageing. Oh, and if you are staying indoors, and happen to work next to a window like me, the sun has the ability to penetrate through the glass to your skin too!

And then there is the issue of blue light damage. To read all about it click here. But in short, just like the sun, your devices omit harmful ‘blue light’ rays, so it’s important to wear sunscreen to protect skin against them too!

  1. DO exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is not only important for your body and overall health and wellbeing, it can also improve the health of your skin. Exercise improves blood circulation and oxygenation to the skin, which in turn helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital. In addition to providing oxygen, blood flow also helps carry away waste products, including free radicals, from working skin cells. So in short regular exercise will keep your skin more supple and youthful in appearance it also imparts a healthy glow!


  1. DO eat a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains

Fruits and veggies contain powerful antioxidants which help protect our skin from free radical damage (triggered by smoke, pollution etc). When free radicals overpower our skin they trigger oxidative stress which can impact our skin presenting in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, dull, uneven skin tone, dark spots and skin sagging – eek! So make sure you eat that rainbow of fruits and veggies each day and keep premature skin ageing away!


  1. DO try to get 8 hours of sleep a night

We don’t call it ‘beauty sleep’ for nothing! When we sleep our skin repairs itself, producing collagen and the more collagen produced means skin is plumper and less likely to wrinkle! If we’re sleep-deprived, not only will we wake with dark under-eye circles and bags, but we are also more likely to experience skin irritation, dehydration, fine lines, and dare I say blemishes! Us adults need a minimum of 7 hours of restful slumber a night, 8 preferred! Just be sure you switch off any electronics an hour or so before a practice some relaxation techniques!


  1. DO drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day

Water is essential for healthy skin. It flushes out toxins and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity (which keeps it looking younger!) Those who drink more water are less likely to suffer from premature ageing as those who drink little amounts of water daily!

Drinking ample amounts of water also helps balance your skin’s oil and water content which in turn helps to prevent excess oil and sebum secretion (meaning fewer clogged pores and less chances of getting spots!)

It’s important to remember though that our skin is the last of our organs to receive water and nutrients so plenty of it daily is a must!

  1. DO exfoliate your skin at least once a week even if it’s on the sensitive side

Weekly exfoliation is a must to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover. If the dead skin cells aren’t removed they can get trapped leading to clogged pores and unwanted spots. You might be afraid to exfoliate if your skin is on the sensitive side but that’s ok there are amazing sensitive skin exfoliators out there for you! You just need to steer clear of physical exfoliants and opt for gentle enzyme exfoliators that don’t contain granules. These earth-sourced ingredients essentially dissolve dead skin cells as opposed to physically scrubbing them off.

For more on what to do when it comes to exfoliating sensitive skin click here.


  1. But DON’T over exfoliate your skin

Over-exfoliating skin can strip it of natural oils and lead to dryness and irritation. To learn more about the impact of over-exfoliated skin click here.


  1. DON’T overload your skin with products

From cleansers to exfoliators, serums, moisturisers, masks, oils and more, it is easy to get carried away with skincare and believe that buying and applying all the products will be best for your skin! The problem is overloading it, particularly when you are using too many actives in your products can actually be detrimental and result in dryness, irritation and redness! Instead, listen to your skin! The best approach is to understand your own individual needs rather than just adding layers of products because you are under the misconception that using them all will deliver optimum skin results!

Remember if you are prone to sensitive skin simplicity is key, if you have an oily complexion cleansing, toning and a light mattifying moisturiser can be enough, and if your skin tends to be on the dry side, then a serum, moisturiser, mist and face oil to lock moisture in will be beneficial.

Also, if you are adding in new steps to your skincare routine, do so one product at a time so that your skin has time to adjust.


  1. DON’T overdo your makeup

Who doesn’t love wearing a bit of makeup, it can totally transform the way we look and feel after all, but overdoing it is a no no. Not because it might look OTT but because of the effect it can have on your skin. Depending on your skin type, excessive makeup can clog your pores leading to breakouts. Plus the chemicals in some makeup products can dry out your skin leaving it looking dull, dehydrated and depleted. A solution is to use healthy makeup formulations packed with skin loving ingredients like mineral makeup.


  1. DON’T use hot water when washing your face or taking a shower

Hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils and in turn cause excessive dryness. Instead, use lukewarm water.


  1. DON’T leave your makeup on when going to bed

I’m sure we’ve ALL been guilty of going to bed with our makeup on once or even many a time! Especially when we are exhausted after the daily juggle, or perhaps have had one too many and ooh how that bed looks so inviting but removing the day’s makeup and grime off your face is a must! In fact not cleansing before bed means your skin is unable to regenerate effectively while you sleep, so pores clog, blemishes become more apparent, and fatigue (ageing!) signs start to appear.

Beauty Collective - 7 of the most common skin concerns

  1. DON’T drink too much alcohol

Many of us might love a margarita with friends or that big glass of red of an evening but sadly excessive alcohol consumption can dehydrate your skin and contribute to wrinkles and other skin issues, so try and limit your weekly alcohol consumption.


  1. DON’T smoke

Smoking can accelerate the ageing process! It can damage collagen and elastin in your skin which leads to the formation of wrinkles and other signs of ageing.


  1. DON’T stress too much

Stress can lead to skin problems like acne and eczema so managing stress levels through relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and deep breathing can be essential for skin health.