Beauty Collective - Wellness Rituals

The wellness rituals you should be doing daily

A stressful, hectic life is routine in my household this time of year, as I’m sure it is for many! Throw a pandemic into the mix and a growing number of covid cases in some states and the anxiety levels will be arising.

So with the holiday season nearly upon us and the potential of another lockdown looming for some, post-Christmas will definitely be time to decompress and get a little self-loving back into our lives.

From the importance of establishing a good skincare routine to the impact exercise can have on our mental health, these self-care rituals should be something we all adopt daily;


  1. Give yourself a facial

My morning and night-time skincare routine is something I have (for as long as I can remember anyway!) always taken pleasure in, even when I’m time poor, which let’s face it with young kids and now a puppy thrown in for good measure is….always! It should be a daily routine we all enjoy with all the benefits skincare brings, and incorporating a little facial ritual (which is easy to do) will really help nurture both your skin and psych. For a detailed account on how to perfect a salon-style wellbeing facial at home click here.

DIY facial

  1. Meditate for better quality of sleep

I love company, would tout myself as a social butterfly and am seldom alone, but I do ensure for my mental wellbeing that I have at least 5 minutes a day to myself because the rest of the time it’s go, go, go! I love a bubble bath (we’ll get to that later!) but I couldn’t imagine not having my nightly 5-minute meditation ritual, which my little ones are now doing before their bedtime too! It’s my way to wind down and calm my mind before bed and has vastly improved my quality of sleep too (because prior to committing to my bedtime meditation I was guilty of sitting staring at a screen until at least 11.30 pm at night and we all know how this can interfere with our circadian rhythm (our natural, internal process that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.)

Meditation has a whole heap of benefits from reducing stress and negative emotions to increasing self-awareness, creativity, and patience. So if you haven’t already and are keen to give it a try, I recommend both the Headspace and Calm apps. They have a range of guided meditations for an array of concerns such as sleep deprivation, anxiety, stress and productivity. It might take you a few goes before you start to relax into it and feel a change, but believe me when I stay stick with it as you’ll soon wonder why you didn’t give it a go before now!



  1. Practice calming techniques

Aside from meditation, practicing other calming techniques can be highly beneficial to both your psych and skin too! This is because stress, while bad of course for your health, is not good for your skin either! Unfortunately, cortisol (the stress hormone) has the ability to break down collagen in the skin resulting in premature ageing (great!) But practicing, for example yoga, or even putting on some soothing sounds can have a significant impact on reducing that cortisol flow! Phew.


  1. Indulge in a therapeutic bath

So when I said I ensure I give myself 5 minutes of alone time a day for my night-time meditation ritual, I also try and give myself 15 minutes once or twice a week (daily is amazing if you have the time!) to indulge in a therapeutic bath. Little instantly reduces stress quite like sinking into a relaxing, remineralizing bath. Add the soothing sounds of spa music, a candle here and there, and a destressing bath foam or detoxifying salts and you’ve got yourself an at-home spa experience. I am loving Phytomer’s Oligomer Well Being Sensation Essential Minerals Relaxing Bath. It’s a lightly foaming, ultra-relaxing fragranced bath enriched with Oligomer – a partially sodium reduced seawater concentrate that contains all of the remineralizing properties of seawater – to strengthen and restore the skin while releasing all pent-up tension in the body. Amazing stuff right?

Beauty Collective - Phytomer - Oligomer® Well Being Sensation Essential Minerals Relaxing Bath

  1. Stay active

Just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make a huge difference to not only our mental well-being, but our body and skin too! And no you don’t need to take up F45 or swim the ocean blue, just a moderate walk can be all you need. Daily exercise has been proven to help control weight, reduce risk of heart diseases, help our body manage blood sugar and insulin levels, decrease pain, and even delay the ageing of our cells! Exercise can also help increase oxygen and blood flow to the skin neutralizing the free radicals that damage it! And we all know exercising releases endorphins, the happy hormones! And who doesn’t want to feel pleasure, happiness and love on the daily!

  1. Have a little, or a whole lot less screen time

This one’s not so much a ritual, more a necessity if we’re talking self-care and want to truly unwind this impending holiday season.

Sadly, screen time (thanks to the blue light it emits) has an adverse effect on our skin, body and mind, and what with the multiple devices available at our fingertips, I’d say there was barely one of us who wasn’t guilty of spending too much time glued to one of them at some point in the day. Spending just two consecutive hours on a digital device can cause eyestrain or fatigue, while overexposure to this blue light also suppresses the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, therefore disrupting our normal sleep pattern. And we all know poor sleep can lead to premature ageing. Eek.

Use this opportunity to read a good book and perhaps discover a passion perhaps you didn’t know you had!

Reading 2

  1. Give yourself a mini massage!

And finally..try and incorporate a mini massage into your daily life. Yes, yes I might be asking a bit much you say but I’m talking anything from a relaxing hand or foot massage which we can do ourselves in next to no time, to a back or shoulder massage if you have a willing family member or even a handheld massage machine! A massage no matter how big or small can elevate aches and pains, reduce tension, and evoke relaxation and calm.

For an indulgent hand massage which we can easily do ourselves (and lets face it with all the hand sanitizer drying out our skin at the moment, applying hand cream has become a bit of a necessity) my hand cream of choice is Phytomer’s Oleocreme Ultra-Nourishing Hand Cream, the name says it all. I love to follow this with a spritz of my Pevonia Dry Oil Body Moisturiser. It’s one of Pevonia’s global best-sellers and for good reason! It literally revitalizes and nourishes every inch of skin with a combination of lavender, chamomile, and squalene.

When my feet are feeling fatigued Pevonia’s Tension Relief Gel is my go-to and if my legs are sore and achy massaging Phytomer’s Cryotonic Soothing Leg Gel is a must!


So go on, give these a go and reap the rewards.