Mom, daughter, bonding, bath robe, spa at home tips

Mum and me spa-at-home tips

Looking for something special to do with your little one (or mum!) this Mother’s Day? Or any day for that matter! Instead of heading out and about why not create a mini spa at home? In the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding time to relax, indulge and practice self-care can be few and far between especially if you have young children at home! However, incorporating skincare pampering into quality time with your loved ones can offer a fun and unique opportunity to bond while taking care of yourself too!

Read on as we talk tips to combine your skincare spa time with fun activities that involve your children (or your mum) too!

  1. Create a sensory experience

Start off your spa routine by creating a sensory experience. Incorporate scented candles, soothing music and calming essential oils.

Invite your children to participate by selecting their favourite scents and assisting with setting up the ambiance. Engaging their senses will make the experience more enjoyable for everyone and create a serene atmosphere perfect for relaxation.

  1. Prepare your skin

Now you’ve set the scene, it’s time to start prepping for some pampering. Use a headband or hair tie to ensure your hair is pulled back from your face.  Make sure your neck is accessible, and we recommend wearing a robe to get you in the spa spirit!

  1. Time for a facial

Start your spa time with a mini facial!

Cleanse – begin by cleansing your skin. Teaching children from an early age the importance of cleaning their face will do wonders for their skin later on. Just make sure you use products that are age and skin type appropriate!

Apply a small quantity of cleanser over face and neck; work it with fingertips for a good 20-30 seconds. Remove with a washcloth or micro-fibre cloth wet with warm water.  Pat dry with a clean towel.

Exfoliate – next, it’s time to gently exfoliate your skin to remove all those dead skin cells and any additional toxins and debris remaining on the skin. NB. Make sure you skip this step for younger children.

Apply a small quantity (about the size of a grape) of exfoliator onto your face and neck and work with wet fingertips for a few minutes. We highly recommend the Phytomer Vegetal Exfoliant with natural enzymesIt’s a seriously soft, silky and subtly scented exfoliant perfect for all skin types even those who suffer from sensitive skin, and it effectively eliminates impurities by gently removing dead skin cells with natural enzymes (so no scrubbing or irritating the skin whatsoever!)

Now rinse face with warm water and pat dry with a towel. Enjoy the results as your skin resurfaces smoother, softer and crystal clean every time! Heaven.

Phytomer Vegetal Exfoliant

DIY Face Masks – now it’s time for the fun part! You can either get creative in the kitchen and whip up some nourishing DIY face masks using natural ingredients in your fridge and pantry like yogurt, honey and avocado or use a face mask ready to go!

With so many face masks to select from, it’s ideal to choose the one that’ll best suit your skin on the day of the facial.

For the best face masks for every skin type and concern click here.

Mom, daughter, bonding, bath robe, spa at home tips

Once chosen, all you have to do is apply a thin layer onto your face and neck and leave on for 10-15 minutes. While you’re waiting why not apply cucumbers to your eyes! Your children will love this, and your eyes will thank you for it too. The cooling effect of the cucumber will soothe and relax the skin. Cucumbers are also rich in vitamin C and K, which can provide a brightening effect, minimize dark under eye circles, and help ward off free radical damage.

Mom, daughter, bonding, spa at home tips

When it’s time to remove your mask, use a washcloth or micro-fibre cloth wet with cool water. Pat dry with a clean towel.

  1. Have fun with massage

Now it’s time to moisturise your skin with your chosen moisturiser and get massaging your face!

Mom, daughter, bonding, bath robe, spa at home tips

Facial massage has so many benefits! From relieving stress to boosting circulation. To learn more about the benefits click here.

To take your skin to the next level you could try incorporating a gemstone facial roller into the massage routine too! My children find this part fun as they love learning about the benefits of the roller and how cooling it feels on the face!

Want to know more about gemstone rollers and their many benefits yourself click here.

gemstone roller, facial roller, spa at home tips

  1. Give each other a mini makeover

Now that the facial component is complete, why not have fun and give each other a mini makeover! Just be sure to use makeup safe for all skin types including young children. We recommend mineral makeup as it’s skin safe and doesn’t clog pores.

Mom, daughter, bonding, bath robe, spa at home tips

  1. Enjoy mini mani-pedis

Treat yourselves to a mini mani-pedi session at home, complete with colourful nail polish and luxurious hand and foot creams.

Let your children choose their favourite nail polish colour and take turns painting each other’s nails.

Mom, daughter, bonding, bath robe, spa at home tips

  1. Finish with some relaxation exercises

Why not add a little relaxion and meditation into your spa time! You can teach your children the importance of relaxation and mindfulness by incorporating simple relaxation exercises into your spa time.

Practice deep breathing techniques, gentle stretching or guided meditation together to help calm the mind and body.

Not only will this promote relaxation and stress relief for both you and your kids, but it will also instill valuable self-care habits from a young age.


Combining your skincare routine with quality spa-time with your children is a wonderful way to nurture your bond while taking care of yourself. By involving your children in your skincare routine and making it a fun and interactive experience, you can create lasting memories and teach them the importance of self-care and relaxation too.