Beauty Collective - multi-masking - woman applying mask on her face
If you find yourself somewhat time poor at present (I hear you!) but your skin needs that little extra attention and love, applying a face mask can be the perfect quick fix, and I am here to tell you why. So read on to reveal 6 reasons you should add a weekly mask to your skincare routine, we promise you you’ll love the multitude of benefits and the outstanding results they bring to your skin.

  1. They give immediate gratification

While with most face masks you’ll need to leave it on for a minimum of 15 minutes, the results are instant and go way beyond the impact of your daily skincare routine! The right face mask can help hydrate skin, remove excess oils, improve the appearance of pores and more and after every application your skin will immerge tightened, toned, softer, smoother, and let’s not forget positively glowing!

  1. They are quick and easy to use and can be applied at any time

Unlike your daily skincare routine which likely takes place first thing in the morning and then again in the evening, the luxury of a face mask is you can apply it at any time, the application is ever so easy and will only take all of a minute! And while you wait for it to work its magic (which can be anywhere from 15 minutes to overnight) it’s a great excuse for a little “me time” and indulge in a bubble bath, watch your favourite show on Netflix or even continue working if need be!

  1. They are pampering and therapeutic

While many of us aren’t able to visit our local spa these days thanks to #lockdown, and home-schooling doesn’t allow us much ‘me’ time, a little pamper in the shape of a mask is a great way to not only address our skins needs but also make us feel amazing in little to no time! This is because a face mask can lift your spirit by stimulating your senses and allow you a moment (or few moments should I say!) of indulgent comfort. Ahhhhh.

  1. They are deep cleansing

Applying face masks offer many physical and therapeutic benefits, but first and foremost masks provide cleansing on a deep deep level, benefiting the skin in multiple ways. Don’t get me wrong daily cleansing is an imperative part of your skincare routine, but applying a mask once or twice a week will take that process to a whole other level by removing any remaining makeup, excess oil, dead skin cells and other impurities on the skin’s surface as well as beneath the upper layers of the epidermis.

  1. They help all your other skincare products to better penetrate the skin for optimum results

Many of us will be religious when it comes to our daily skincare ritual but if you really want all your products to absorb into your skin both quickly and deeply than a face mask is a necessity. By using a mask regularly, it will assist in enabling all the amazing ingredients from your skincare to penetrate deep into your skin essentially making your products work harder and more effectively than ever before.

  1. They are the perfect product for everyone to use no matter how sensitive or reactive your skin might be.

This is because there is a mask for every skin type and concern. From dryness to inflammation, redness to acne, whatever your skin type there is the ideal mask to give your skin that instant boost it needs.

If your skin is on the sensitive side

If your skin tends to be somewhat sensitive, a soothing cream mask enriched with nurturing ingredients is a must. Phytomer’s Accept Comfort Mask not only calms red, irritated skin, it also strengthens it! Healing is faster and it leaves your skin feeling beautifully hydrated, calm and comfortable for days!

If your skin is looking a tad lacklustre

Vie Collections Phyto-C Mask should be your go-to. Power packed with Vitamin C, exfoliating Papain, marine minerals and more, it’s the mask that makes people ask if you’ve been on holiday recently, wouldn’t we all love that right now!
Photo C

If your skin is currently donning a few too many blemishes

Phytomer’s Oligopur Flawless Skin Mask could be your one true savour! This blemish, mattifying cream-foam mask reduces inflammation from breakouts and refines the pores for a mattified even, clear complexion.

For dry, dehydrated skin, you need a deeply hydrating mask, like Phytomer’s Hydrasea Thirst-Relief Rehydrating Mask. It feeds the skin with ultimate nourishment so you can literally feel your complexion tighten and plump in nearly an instant. The end result is youthfully restored skin.
Phytomer - Hydrasea Thirst-Relief Rehydrating Mask

If you’re concerned about skin fatigue and visible signs of aging

Try Pevonia’s Ageless Skin Collagen Mask – my personal favourite! it instils skin with collagen polypeptides, Vitamin A, Green Tea and Mandarin Orange Extract to repair fine lines and wrinkles, encourage healthy cell turn over and effectively increase your skin’s overall radiance.
Beauty Collective - Pevonia Ageless Skin Collagen Mask

If your skin is in need of a detox

Pevonia’s Pure Skin Charcoal Mask is the perfect antidote for congested, dull skin. It rids skin of toxins, draws out impurities and debris, neutralises pollutants, and leaves skin gloriously glowy.
Beauty Collective - Pevonia - Pure Skin Charcoal Mask
And if you want to address more than one skin issue you can use multiple masks, applying them to the different zones of your face for outstanding results every time.
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