
combination skin - woman with charcoal face mask on her face

5 signs you have combination skin and how to manage it

While many of us tend to self-diagnose our skin with one specific condition, be it dry, oily, sensitive, ageing, the list goes on, it might actually surprise you that the most common skin type is actually combination skin – a mix of both oily and dry!

So, if you’ve noticed that you have dry areas on your face but experience excess oil at the same time, you could well be one of the millions, billions even, with combination skin. The problem is it can be tricky to figure out how to care for your skin properly considering that different parts of your face have different needs! The good news is however that you can indeed perfectly balance your combination skin by following a few tips and tricks!

Read on a we explain the tell-tale signs of combination skin, what exactly causes it and how best to care for it.


  1. Your t-zone is oily, while your cheeks are dry

Combination skin tends to display certain characteristics – excess oil, large pores, shine, and blackheads on the forehead, nose and chin (otherwise known as the T’zone) this is due to over-active oil glands in these areas, and then dryness, dullness, fine line and wrinkles elsewhere (predominantly on your cheeks). As a result, it’s very important for those of us with combination skin to regulate sebum and oil production along the T-zone so be sure to steer clear of greasy, creamy products as they will be too rich for your skin and may lead to clogged pores, at the same time though you don’t want to use products that can dry out your skin in turn activating even more oil production! The goal is to treat both oily and dry areas at the same time for a clear, balanced complexion!


Multi-mask your skin once a week! Apply a moisturising mask to your dry areas and an oil-absorbing charcoal or clay mask to your oily T-zone. It’ll do wonders for combination skin.

It’s tricky to soak up excess oil without over-drying the skin but products containing charcoal and clay do just that! They work by attracting and absorbing dirt and oil. As a lightweight natural ash residue hydrocarbon, charcoal easily pulls toxins out of the skin for a clean, purified, and healthy complexion as it restores a normalized cellular function. Try Pevonia’s Pure Skin Charcoal Mask. Apply once a week to oily areas of your skin and watch it work its magic.

Beauty Collective - Pevonia - Pure Skin Charcoal Mask

  1. You get breakouts in the oily area of your face

Thanks to excess oil production in the t-zone, combination skin can often lead to breakouts when the pores get clogged.


To fight these breakouts, we suggest using a salicylic acid-based cleanser like Medicalia Clarifying Cleanser which provides pore-clearing benefits in a super gentle lather that won’t dry out the skin, stripping it of moisture.

Beauty Collective - Medicalia - Clarifying Cleanser

We also love Phytomer’s’ Oligopur Blemish Target Gel, it’s a phenomenal spot treatment which targets blemishes with precision, rapidly improving the skin’s appearance and eliminating spots almost overnight!

Beauty Collective - Phytomer Blemish Target Gel


  1. Your oily-to-dry skin ratio tends to change dependant on the season

With combination skin, your oily-to-dry ratio tends to vary with a change in seasons. During summer the heat and humidity cause oil production to increase, causing your T-zone to feel extra oily while your dry areas are actually quite “normal”.  During winter, the opposite happens this is because environmental exposure sucks moisture from your skin which means your T-zone will appear “normal” while your dry areas will look really dry.


Use Pevonia Balancing Combination Skin Cream, it’ll keep your skin perfectly balanced all year round no matter what the weather. With a subtle lemongrass scent to die for and a soothing, silky texture which perfectly dissolves into skin on application, this moisturiser is a BC best-seller for very good reason! Perfect for those with combination skin, prone to oily t-zones, it effectively refines pores and controls oil and shine with skin nourishing ingredients including vitamin e, arnica and aloe. Get ready for smooth, soft and supple skin minus the excessive oil and congestion that it brings! Yes!

  1. You have enlarged pores on your nose, chin and forehead

Unfortunately the more oily your skin (thank you overactive oil glands in our forehead, nose and chin area!) the more prone this area is to clogged pores. When sebum builds inside pores, they expand giving them an enlarged appearance!

Solution: You can reduce the appearance of these pores by following a number of tips.


  1. Your makeup always looks patchy!

That’s right, your makeup looked flawless when you left the house but come midday it’s slid straight off your t-zone and clung to those cheese of yours looking like a patchwork piece!

Solution: Apply a hydrating and mattifying makeup primer before your foundation.

A good skin primer will become your lifeline. Not only will it stop your foundation from sliding off your face quite literally, it’ll keep your base smooth while reducing the appearance of pores (and fine lines!) too!

Our go-to is the ELES Pore Perfecting Face Primer. It’s oil-free, perfectly lightweight and seems to combat shiny areas on your skin almost instantly! This is because it contains a natural dermat complex which enables it to absorb oil and effectively reduce pores size in one hit! Outstanding for those of us with oily T-Zones!

The good news is it’s also formulated with nourishing ingredients to keep the dryer parts of your skin happy too!

ELES Pore Perfecting Face Primer


So now you know you definitely have combination skin, what exactly causes it you might wonder…Like with all skin types, genetics play a major role so you can thank your parents for the skin you’ve landed! It’s not all their fault though! Environmental factors as well as your lifestyle choices play a large part too. For instance, prolonged humid conditions in the summer months cause sweat glands to produce more sweat leaving the skin moist and shiny, whereas prolonged heat causes skin to dehydrate resulting in dryness! And then let’s not forget those darn hormones of ours that can play havoc on our skin during certain times of the month! Skin issues can be exacerbated by our hormones. Your sebaceous glands (sebum) have receptors on them which respond to our hormones. The more testosterone produced, the more oil is produced in the skin!



Beauty Collective - younger looking skin

14 steps to youthful skin

We are all on the quest to look forever young, after all why would we invest so much in our daily appearance? But what exactly is the secret to younger looking skin? And no, I’m not talking about the likes of cosmetic surgery or Botox injections, I mean skin that ages naturally and slowly like fine wine….

While ageing is inevitable there are a number of steps we can take to keep our skin looking younger, longer! We asked the experts at BC what they are. Read on as we reveal their answers.


  1. Invest in a collagen cream stat

As we get older, our skin loses its perky plumpness! This is because the collagen that forms in our dermis and keeps our skin youthful starts to diminish! This ‘fountain of youth’ as it’s fondly referred to, therefore needs to be replenished!

Taking collagen supplements as well as investing in a good collagen cream will help! They can improve skin elasticity, reduce visible wrinkles, and increase blood flow to the skin!

The problem is applying collagen topically is easier said than done. The collagen molecule can’t actually penetrate our skin unless you choose a product with collagen amino acids that are small enough to get to the deeper layer of the dermis to deliver that plumping effect. Cue Pevonia’s best-selling Age Correction Marine Collagen Cream. Personally, I can’t get enough of it! I swear this jar of anti-ageing goodness has hugely benefited my skin over the years keeping it soft, supple and firm!

Beauty Collective - Pevonia Marine Collagen Cream

  1. Give retinol a go

Retinol – hailed as the Holy Grail of the skincare world and for very good reason, counteracts ageing like no other! A derivative of Vitamin A, this ‘superhero’ ingredient offers a multitude of benefits including boosting collagen production and erasing dark spots. It can also increase your cell turnover rate making cells function like that of a child! Amazing right?  I couldn’t recommend this ingredient more but you do need to be sure to understand how and when to use it first! And which retinol product will be right for you according to your skin type.

Try; Pevonia’s Micro-Retinol Moisturiser and find out for yourself what all the fuss is about! For those with advanced signs of ageing – wrinkles, loose and sagging skin, and uneven skin tone or dark spots, it will be your go-to night cream! This powerhouse product (and range!) is the perfect all-rounder! Formulated with Retinol, Hyaluronic, Squalane, and Marine Collagen, it deeply hydrates, smooths, brightens and firms!

As well as applying your collagen moisturiser and retinol cream, ensuring you use a serum formulated with one of the top 5 skincare ingredients will also stand you in good stead!


  1. Ensure your daily diet includes lots of anti-oxidant rich foods

Antioxidants are SO important when it comes to protecting our DNA from damage – they are the last line of defence against premature ageing. Thankfully our bodies produce antioxidants on their own, but we can definitely strengthen our protection against ageing by eating an antioxidant-rich diet. Multiple studies show that a diet rich in antioxidants can help keep your skin healthy, your immune system strong, your digestive system working smoothly and can also help you look and feel younger longer. Yassssss!

Anti-oxidant Vitamin C, as well as amino acids can increase the levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body (both which we know are very important for the skin) essential fatty acids and foods rich in sulphur are also imperative!

So what foods do we need to consume to help our skin stay younger, longer? Foods such as oranges, red peppers, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and strawberries are all rich in vitamin C. Foods rich in sulphur include beans, cabbage and garlic and foods high in essential fatty acids are salmon, tuna, flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts, plus your everyday staples such as eggs, carrots, avocado and also soy! Yum!

  1. Wear sunscreen daily, all year round

Surely by now, we all know that the NO. 1 cause of premature skin aging is sun exposure! This is why one of the most important things we can do to slow down premature skin aging is to diligently protect our skin from said sun! Using products with SPF is imperative, not only will it prevent awful sun burn, it’ll also slow down the development of brown spots, fine lines and wrinkles!

ELES Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation SPF 15

Fortunately, there is a myriad of products out there with SPF, from sunscreen to daily moisturisers, foundations and more, and many are now formulated to work with specific skin types, so if you are a sensitive skin sufferer and the idea of slathering on sunscreen scares you, worry no more! Here at BC we have a few firm favourites;

Foundation – ELES Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation SPF 15

Daily moisturiser – ELES Luminous Defence Brightening Day Protection SPF 50

Sunscreen face & body – Medicalia Sunscreen SPF 40 with Blue Light Shield


Beauty Collective - Medicalia - Sunscreen SPF 40 with Blue Light Shield

  1. Don’t forget to look after your neck, chest and hands!

While most of us don’t forget to look after our face, we often neglect our neck, chest and hands! Even if our face looks young, an aged neck, chest and hands will reveal our real age so it’s time to get serious about these delicate areas!

Firstly, be sure you apply sunscreen to the back of your hands and then moisturise them as you would your face daily. Try Phytomer’s Oleocreme Ultra-Nourishing Hand Cream.

Same goes with your neck and chest. After all, you want to avoid turkey neck the most obvious sign of ageing in that area!

Oleocreme Ultra-Nourishing Hand Cream

  1. Cleanse correctly

On the quest for a clear, youthful complexion cleansing is a must. But cleansing with conventional, harsh products can simply dry out skin which will age you! Worse, it can make skin over-produce oil so you could be hit with rather a few pesky pimples too!! Teenage acne? No thanks.

So be sure to use a cleanser specific to your skin type. Beauty Collective has a myriad of cleansers for every skin type and concern so get searching!


  1. Make sure you exfoliate

A good weekly exfoliation is key to preventing dry, dull skin which lacks youthful luminosity. Exfoliation will break up dead surface skin cells and reveal a fresh glowy complexion.Pevonia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser blog

If your skin is a little on the sensitive side, exfoliation is still important just be sure to opt for a super gentle formula – we LOVE Pevonia’s Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser, it gently polishes your skin with its unique creamy, granular texture. But if granules scare you, we also highly recommend Phytomer’s Vegetal Exfoliant with Natural Enzymes. It’s a soft exfoliant for even the most sensitive or rosacea prone skin and uses natural enzymes to encourage cell turnover without scrubbing or irritating your skin.

Phytomer's Vegetal Exfoliant with Natural Enzymes


  1. Give yourself a daily facial massage

Facial massage stimulates blood circulation, cell growth and collagen production as well as strengthening muscle memory! It helps in the prevention of fine lines and new wrinkle formation, while at the same time tightening the skin and making it plumper! And there is more! To learn more about the benefits of facial massage click here.

Not sure where to start when it comes to facial massage? Look no further. For a step by step simply click here.

You can use your fingers or invest in a facial roller which offers a multitude of more benefits!

BC Rose Quartz Facial Roller

If you opt for a roller here’s how;

1) Before you reach for your roller, cleanse and then prep your skin applying your serums and oils. Just be sure not to rub it in completely so that the jade roller can get to work.

2) Simply roll outwards and slightly upwards on your face and neck. This is a great treatment to do with a serum or as a final step with your facial oil.

And for the month of June, 2022, when you purchase a Pevonia Facial oil on BC you’ll receive a Gemstone Jade Facial Roller for FREE



  1. Drink your 8 glasses of water a day

Drinking enough water, a day will not only do amazing things for your overall health, it’ll benefit your skin too!

Dehydration can sap your skin of moisture and elasticity, leading to sagginess, dryness, and wrinkles, whereas hydrated skin equals plumper skin and plump skin helps hides current signs of ageing so that any wrinkles you already have are minimised! Win, win!

And yes, I know we all have days where we don’t drink the necessary amount. The thing is when I don’t, I feel it! I’m tried and sluggish and my skin appears that way too! This is because drinking those 8 glasses or 2 litres of water helps the body to flush out toxins while increasing blood flow to the skin which gives it an even tone and dewy appearance not the dull, devilised skin we all don’t want! Oh and supple, dewy skin equals youthful skin right?

If you aren’t a huge fan of water, herbal tea counts!! Get onto it and reap the benefits!

  1. Look after your lips

Often overlooked, lips can really show your age so it’s important to show them as much love as you would your skin. This means applying a lip cream daily. We are huge advocates for Pevonia’s LipRenew Plump & De-Age treatment which deeply moisturises and volumises the lips, blurs imperfections, and, unlike other lip plumpers, also smooths the surrounding skin folds, lines and wrinkles!

We also recommend using a hydrating lip balm to lock in moisture and get lips lipstick ready, after all applying lipstick to dry, chapped lips is a definite no no, as your lipstick won’t apply evenly, it’ll seep into any lip lines making your lips appear even more dry than they already are.

Pevonia LipRenew

  1. Choose the right foundation

You really can disguise the ageing process and look years younger with makeup, but you have to choose carefully. For example face powder, when used correctly and frugally can be a fantastic makeup staple (I have been I’m in love with the ELES Mineral Powder Foundation for years!) however, no matter your skin type, too much face powder can actually age you! That’s right, it can highlight fine lines and wrinkles instead of helping to conceal them, so it’s best to use powder sparingly – on your t-zone or as the perfect tool for touch ups.

ELES - Mineral Powder Foundation

A hydrating or satin-finish liquid foundation will be your best choice, especially as skin gets drier with age. Choose a formula that has hydrating ingredients. Foundations that have sheer coverage and dewy luminous foundations will be your best youth enhancing options especially for those concerned about lines and wrinkles.

Beauty Collective - Mineral Sheer Tint

I am a huge advocate for both the ELES Mineral Sheer Tint and ELES Age Defying BB Cream 30 but if you do love a slightly more matte finish the best-selling ELES Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation SPF 15 will be your go-to.

BB Cream

  1. Illuminate your face with a highlighter

As well as giving your skin a lovely glow, highlighter can be used strategically to lift and contour the face, making it look more youthful.

Apply it to the tops of your cheekbones, brow bones and Cupid’s bow. Try ELES Stick Illuminator. I personally can’t get enough of it!

ELES Stick Illuminator


  1. Never go to bed with makeup on

I’ve sure we’ve all been guilty of this one in our time! From a few too many wines to being just plain old exhausted, sometimes it hard to peel yourself off your bed to go and remove your makeup but remove your makeup you must!

Cleansing your face especially at night to remove not only your makeup but any remnants of the days sweat, dirt and grime is imperative for healthy skin. Not removing your makeup means your skin is unable to regenerate effectively while you sleep, pores clog, and fatigue (ageing!) signs start to appear.  For a fantastic makeup remover which effectively melts away makeup and grime with minimum effort try Phytomer’s Doux Contour Eye and Lip Waterproof Makeup Remover. Combining the effectiveness of an oil (a trio of oils in fact) and the gentleness of a lotion, this ultra-hydrating makeup remover, eradicates even the most stubborn of lips and eye makeup fast!

To read more about sleeping in makeup and what it really does to our skin click here.

Phytomer - DOUX CONTOUR Eye And Lip Waterproof Makeup Remover

  1. Go to sleep early and get 8 hours of slumber a night!

Getting enough sleep comes with plenty of benefits – improved mood, better concentration and healthier, happier skin to name but a few! Research also suggests that people who go to bed earlier enjoy longer, better quality sleep and better quality sleep equals better skin! Why? Because while we sleep our skin goes into repair mode. Skin cells regenerate, our skin’s blood flow increases, it rebuilds its collagen (which as we know is essential for youthful skin) and repairs damage from any UV exposure.

Late nights and lack of sleep on the other hand can show on your skin in fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, swollen or droopy eyelids and dark under eye circles. It can also contribute to acne. Eek. So we need to think of sleep as an essential step in our daily skincare routine. And we know, no one is choosing to be sleep deprived, the stresses of everyday life can seriously prevent us from getting the amount of sleep we crave, but if it’s possible to try and get our heads down at a reasonable time (I’m talking to myself here too!) and stick to it nightly, it’ll improve quality of sleep and in turn have a positive impact on our complexion too!

For more information on what really happens to your skin while your sleep, click here.

devitalized skin

7 products that’ll turn dull, devitalised skin to radically radiant

Have you found yourself staring in the mirror lately wondering “why does my skin looks so dull and old?” If so, you wouldn’t be alone! We all deal with the occasional bout of dull skin. But if you’re regularly waking up to a tired, lacklustre complexion, you’ll likely be wondering what you can do to improve it!

Unfortunately, the winter months only exacerbate this skin condition thanks to the cooler weather and constant need for indoor heating which, let’s face it, sucks the life out of our already depleted complexion! but this doesn’t mean we can’t take action and turn our dull, devitalised skin to radically radiant in next to no time! Chances are your skincare routine could just be missing a few key elements that are vital for beautifully brightened skin – if your skin is lacking life, you’ll want to choose skincare with hydrating and skin brightening benefits. Look for products formulated with vitamin c, hyaluronic and/or retinol as these superlative ingredients will help skin appear more hydrated, plumped and radiant!

Keep reading as we countdown 7 products that will breathe life back into your lifeless skin, the products I personally swear by and come highly recommended by our customers and the BC experts too!



Phytomer Cyfolia Radiance Cleansing Cream

When you have dull skin cleansing should be the first step in your skin care routine. So, look for a cleanser that is formulated to help brighten the appearance of your complexion, like Phytomer’s Cyfolia Radiance Cleansing Cream. This rich, velvety cleanser literally melts on contact with your skin to gently cleanse and remove makeup, oil and impurities!

Organic Orange water delivers vitamin C for skin radiance and optimal glow while Cyfolia Algae enhances the glow by providing a reflective effect! Like a burst of radiance to the complexion, skin is soft, supple and glowing after every cleanse!

“I love this new cleanser from Phytomer. I’ve been using it for a few months now and can say my skin is definitely softer and more radiant after use and I love the scent too.”  – Sarah M

Beauty Collective - Cyfolia Radiance Cleansing Cream



Phytomer Hydra Continue Radiance Energising Cream

After cleansing dull skin, it’s important to reach for the right moisturiser – a skin-brightening cream like Phytomer’s Hydra Continue Radiance Energising Cream. Thanks to its beautifully lightweight texture, this radiance cream helps keep that outer layer of skin perfectly nourished without feeling too heavy. Rich in vitamins, it revitalizes, activates your skin’s cellular activity to promote natural regrowth, hydrates, softens and smooths skin for a radiant youthful appearance. Goodbye dull, devitalized skin!

“I am in love with this product, it’s become my go-to moisturiser this summer since it’s silky and light yet keeps my skin moisturised all day long! It has a lovely subtle scent, and the products name definitely reflects the results – it’s energising and radiance inducing that’s for sure!”  – JoJo B

Hydra Continue Radiance Energizing Cream


Pevonia “C” Complexe with Oxyzomes

Another tip for reviving dull skin? Adding a vitamin C serum to your daily routine! It can totally transform your skin I’m telling you!

We love Pevonia’s “C” Complexe. Vitamin C, hyaluronic and oxygen work together in this amazing product to enliven dull skin leaving it visibly brighter and more youthful after every single application! It’s a truly powerful anti-oxidant that not only delivers immediate luminosity but protects the skin from premature skin ageing too! Yesss! Oh and if smells and feels amazing too!

“This is a beautiful serum. You only require two pumps and the coverage is excellent. Radiant looking skin instantaneously. Definitely worth the investment.”  – DeborahPevonia - C Complex


Pevonia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser

The most common cause of dull, lacklustre skin is a build-up of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. This happens when we neglect to slough them away. So if your skin is looking dull and lacklustre, chances are you need to up the ante and exfoliate properly! No matter what your skin type, exfoliation is paramount when it comes to removing those skin dulling dead cells! They need to be removed in order to allow new, glowing cells to come forward. Look for an exfoliator that will help brighten your complexion as well as smooth your skin.

Pevonia’s Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser is not only ideal for all skin types, it’s a creamy, granular, exfoliating cream formulated with jojoba beads, Saponaria and Chamomile that very gently polishes away dul, dead skin cells, impurities and toxins to reveal instant radiance and softer, smoother skin too! You’ll love the immediate gratification you’ll get from this formidable favourite of ours. Use 1-2 times weekly.

“I love this exfoliator, my skin always feels so smooth and hydrated after using it. It also makes my skin look a lot brighter.” – Orielly R

Pevonia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser blog



Vie Collection Photo C Bright Radiance Mask

Treat yourself to an at-home spa day with a facial mask. It will help draw out any build-up of impurities, dirt and pollution, reduce the appearance of dull skin and increase the look of luminosity! So to brighten a dull complexion, you’ll want a glow mask like Vie Collection’s Photo C Bright Radiance Mask which delivers radiant skin by morning! It is power packed with vitamin c, exfoliating papain, marine minerals and more and we promise after the very first application an incredibly radiant and brightened skin appearance will be revealed!

“Love this mask, I use it once a week and what a difference it makes! I leave it one for about 20 minutes and when I rinse it off my skin is literally glowing! Highly recommend.” – Sarah M

Photo C 


Pevonia Micro Retinol Essential Moisturizer

This light and gentle moisturiser increases cell turnover, stimulates collagen and elastin production (essential for youthful, plump skin), fades hyperpigmentation and helps skin stay hydrated and glowing without irritation. It’s a multi-tasking wonder!

You should introduce it slowly though and at night. This is because Retinol makes your skin more sensitive to UV rays and sunlight decreases the efficacy of the product. To find out more about retinol and this Pevonia’s Micro Retinol range click here.

“This is the most beautiful cream I have ever used; light texture, non-greasy, non-shiny. Changes in my skin are an increased smoothing of lines and crepe-skin areas, softening, hydrating and contouring, and reduced pigmentation. Some results were instantly visible and now after three weeks my skin just keeps improving. It appears luminous and more refined. So, I am going to purchase the whole range. It’s a surprise to see a brighter smoother complexion at my age. (60)” – Annie

BeautyCollective - Pevonia - Micro-Retinol MoisturiserTHE FACIAL OIL

Pevonia De-Stress Escape Aromatic Oil

To complete your skincare routine introducing a facial oil specifically designed to brighten dull skin is key!

Pevonia’s De-Stress Escape Aromatic Oil is the ultimate barrier warrior featuring a blend of premium and delicate natural oils including safflower, squalane, lavender, chamomile, grapefruit and rose to instantaneously deliver intense hydration while soothing, calming, relaxing, brightening and protecting the skin barrier for ongoing optimal skin health!

“I love this face oil! I’ve been using it for a month now as a night-time treatment for my dull, dry skin and the results next morning are fantastic! Smoother, plumper, brighter skin! The scent is also heavenly and definitely transports me into a relaxed state of mind. Such amazing stuff!” – Amy K

Beauty Collective - Pevonia De-Stress Escape Aromatic Oil

skin hydration - woman drinking a glass of water

10 reasons your skin is dehydrated and how to fix it

Winter, darn winter! Unfortunately, it’s the time of year that your skin can look and feel seriously parched. We’re talking tighter, drier, duller, shiner or just plain devitalized. If that sounds like you, chances are your skin is simply dehydrated and in need of some serious moisture boosting love! And let’s not forget, even those with naturally oily skin can be suffering from dehydration too! After all just because your skin is oily doesn’t mean you are immune to external factors and lifestyle choices that deplete your skin’s water content. Dehydration is in fact characterised by a lack of water not oil!

Luckily dehydrated skin can be relieved with a combination of lifestyle changes and topical treatments. Below are 10 reasons you could be battling dehydrated skin and our recommendations for how to fix it.


  1. You aren’t drinking your 8 glasses of water a day!

Yes, we all know that the number one way to counteract dehydration is to drink plenty of water! But there is the when and the how! This water intake actually needs to commence as soon as you awaken from blissful slumber! It is suggested that drinking approximately 2 glasses of water first thing is hands down the most ideal way to bring back your hydration levels, after all you’ve not replenished fluid levels for a number of hours over night and make sure you drink at least 8 glasses a day.

  1. You aren’t getting enough ‘quality’ sleep

Remember this as you will! Poor sleep leads to dehydration, dehydration causes poor sleep. Eek we have ourselves a vicious cycle here. Firstly, before bed, prise that mobile phone out of your fingers (sooo guilty here!) and put it down! I don’t need to tell you the impact screen time has on your skin, secondly drink a glass of water prior to sleep, yes you may think bad idea as surely you’ll be up in the night stumbling to the bathroom but believe me your skin (and all other vital organs) will lap up that glass of water and you’ll be able to notice the difference in the morning! Finally turn off the light and get that precious shut eye as apparently those that sleep for an average of six hours a night are up to 59% more likely to be dehydrated that someone who sleeps for say 8 hours. That’ll be me then. Pass me a glass of water someone!


  1. You’re consuming too much caffeine & alcohol

I’m not saying go cold turkey or anything as like me I love a good cuppa and won’t say no to a glass of vino in an evening, but if dehydration could be something you are suffering from, significantly reducing your intake of both caffeine and alcohol will dramatically benefit your skin. Instead enjoy a cup of herbal tea or a fruit juice!

Oh and for every coffee or alcoholic beverage you do indulge in, be sure to drink a glass of water too!


  1. You aren’t using the right skincare products

Unfortunately, your skin is the last part of your body to receive hydration from water, so it’s important to provide hydration from the outside as well!

One of the best ways to achieve this is with a topical treatment to lock in moisture and prevent transepidermal water loss.

The best ingredient to beat dehydration is hyaluronic acid.


a) Use A Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Using a serum containing hyaluronic acid is the quickest way to deliver moisture to a thirsty complexion as serums are quickly and deeply absorbed into the skin. Plus, Hyaluronic acid is the number one go to ingredient for effectively replenishing dehydrated skin, it delivers a burst of moisture thanks to its ability to hold 1000 times its weight in hydration! It helps bind and retain moisture and draws moisture from the air to the skin plumping and rehydrating skin cells from inside out. Amazing stuff right? Well we are in love with the Pevonia’s Hyaluronic Acid Hydra Serum. This hydration hero is worth its weight in gold. Just a few drops of the super serum will not only help to rejuvenate skin cells but will bind any moisturiser you apply on top like a magnet too!

Featuring one of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market (12%), combined with the powerful anti-ageing duo of marine collagen and Hibiscus Esculentus extract, it delivers immediate skin soothing results and deep hydration. Plus it quite literally blasts even the most dehydrated of complexions with a surge of moisture, maintaining surface hydration throughout the day.

Beauty Collective - Pevonia Hydra Serumb) Wear a rich, hydrating moisturiser morning and night

Moisturising is paramount no matter what your skin type. To battle dehydration we highly recommend both the Pevonia Age Correction Marine Collagen Cream which is rich in both Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen the perfect combination to replenish devitalised skin. As well as the Phytomer Hydrasea Night Plumping Rich Cream, which provides optimum skin hydration during the night. From the very first use, the skin appears drenched in moisture!

c) Apply a nourishing face oil before bed

We all naturally lose moisture while we sleep so using a nourishing face oil prior to bed will stand your skin in good stead! Pevonia’s Vitaminic Concentrate should be your go-to every evening! It’s a dream come true! With its amazing mandarin aroma and rich formulation of vitamin A and E, it drenches skin in antioxidant goodness and hydration, locking in moisture that says! This means you’ll wake up to smooth, supple and seriously glowy skin every morning, we promise!

Beauty Collective - Pevonia Vitaminic Concentrate

d) Don’t use harsh face Scrub but do exfoliate!

As dead skin builds up, it can diminish the absorption of important skincare essentials like your serum and moisturiser, exfoliation is therefore an important skincare step in aiding the recovery of dehydrated skin, however be sure to use a gentle exfoliating cleanser and once or twice a week only.

Pevonia Gentle Exfoliating Cleanser blog


  1. You’re showering with water that is way too hot!

Hot water will strip your skin of its natural oils fact! and those natural oils are what protect your skin against water loss by forming a barrier. Eek.

Believe me I love me a hot bath or shower! Especially on a cold morning or evening, but you will thank me by telling you to turn down that heat and opt for a more lukewarm temp.


  1. Your daily diet needs adjusting

We already know that what you eat can impact your skin but did you know that our skin is reliant on essential fatty acids like oily fish, nuts, and fresh green veggies to battle dehydration? In addition to nourishing the skin, essential fatty acids also form part of the acid mantle which is the skins protective barrier against environmental damage. They keep the cells moist and reduce the amount of transepidermal water loss giving the appearance of plump skin!

In general, when you consume foods that are high in water you can help to add hydration to your skin too! Fruits such as watermelon can increase the level of moisture in your skin.


  1. Your heating/air conditioning

As much as many of us have become reliant on heating in winter or air con in the warmer months, both can dramatically disrupt the natural moisture balance in your skin. Now while it’s highly unlikely we’d be prepared to suffer the consequence of not turning the heating on, brrrrr, or indulging in the cool aircon air in the sweltering hot months, just make sure you balance your day with fresh air and if your skin is feeling particularly parched, keep on hand a spritz to add a burst of rehydration when needed.

  1. The weather

Cold, hot, dry, and windy weather can literally suck moisture out of the skin. This is because cold temperatures and low humidity levels result in dry air that draws moisture away from the skin while hot weather increases water loss from the body due to sweating, leading to dehydration!


  1. Sun exposure

Too much sun can disrupt your skin and compromise its protective layer. Think of that tight feeling your skin has after a day in the sun. Make sure to always wear your daily sunscreen!


  1. Age!

Yes, that’s right, as we get older hormone changes cause our skin to lose the ability to produce as much oil and tends to dry out. Oh the joys!