
Beauty Collective - Post Summer Skin Detox

Post Summer Skin Detox

Whether you are mourning the end of bright, balmy days or doing side-kicks now that cooler weather is on the way, we all need to give our skin love much-needed love after a season of summer indulgences.   Think salty or chlorinated water, a little too much “Yes way, Rose” or even a beautiful bronze glow that’s starting to look more like a pigment patchwork quilt. Time for repair!

So what are we dealing with now that autumn has arrived?  More often than not, clogged pores, dehydration, hyper-pigmented patches, and of course chapped lips. Luckily, all it takes to reboot skin is a few tweaks to our current skincare routine.


Those dry dead skin cells that sit on the surface of your skin are not only dulling it, they are blocking the hydrating ingredients from getting in.  We shed approx. 30,000 skin cells a day naturally but this slows down dramatically with age.  It can also slow down in summer as oil, sweat, and makeup join together and act like mortar for the skin cells, binding them tightly together and creating an impenetrable wall.

There are so many ways to exfoliate but the gentlest method is with fruit acids and enzymes, instead of forcing the cells off and causing possible damage to the skin these ingredients gently loosen and digest cells to leave skin softer, smoother and more refined.  Try Phytomer – Vegetal Exfoliant with Natural Enzymes.

Deep Pore Cleansing

No matter how well you cleansed your skin in the last couple of months, deep down, where none of us can see, makeup, impurities, old sweat, and toxins are having a party in your pores. The result?  Skin texture that looks coarse and spongy and never feels clean.  To help clean them out detox your skin with a clay-based mask, or several if you are not afraid to be a multi-masker! Our go-to for deep cleansing is Phytomer Oligopur Flawless Skin Mask with Kaolin Clay.


Seriously pack it on!  Summer leaves your skin depleted of moisture and not only is this uncomfortable it’s also ageing.  So up your moisturiser game by adding some concentrates beneath and get out the hydrating masks.  Don’t forget your body too!  After your shower, smother your damp skin from neck to toes with rich balms and body oils.  Did you know the skin’s outer layer swells open when it’s damp allowing products to penetrate better?

We love Phytomer – Hydra Original Thirst-Relief Melting Cream and Hydrasea Thirst-Relief Rehydrating Mask for the face and the heavenly texture and aroma of Phytomer – Trésor Des Mers Beautifying Oil for the body.

Check the damage!

Unfortunately, you can’t undo the damage that UV rays cause, which is why a Broad Spectrum sunscreen is your most important skin care product.   And, it’s important to keep your eyes open for any changes to your skin.  A visit to a dermatologist for a skin cancer check should be a priority for every Australian and while it may seem a nuisance could be lifesaving.

You can however help minimize the visible appearance of sun damage on the skin’s surface with little effort. To help fade the look of dark spots and even skin tone, use a hyperpigmentation formula such as Vie Collection – Laser Light Concentrate.

Keep up protection

Even though it’s not summer anymore it doesn’t mean you should stop using your SPF.  Reach for it every day and ensure your skin care is always loading with anti-oxidants.  The combination of both will decrease skin ageing by a whopping 90%.  Our go-to is Vie Collection – Vita C Concentrated Solution.  You can put a few drops in your regular moisturiser or apply it beneath for a brighter complexion.  It also has the added benefit of fading hyperpigmentation and stopping ageing free radicals in their tracks.

Eyes and Lips

Our lips lack melanin so they are especially susceptible to sun damage and after several months of hot weather are also prone to deep dryness.  Squinting, sweating and the sun can also cause damage to the fragile eye area.  So give these areas some TLC.  Reach for nourishing lip colour instead of drying mattes, apply SPF over your lips and at night offer some much needed repair.  Phytomer – Youth Contour Reviving Wrinkle Correction Cream – Eye and Lip is our favourite because it is formulated to calm, soothe and replenish delicate skin.

Phytomer Pionniere XMF Perfection Youth Cream

Phytomer Pionniere XMF Perfection Youth Cream

Imagine a moisturiser that feels light as a feather, is full of the sea’s most potent anti-ageing extracts and blended with the heavenly aroma of Rose and Jasmine…sigh

We’ve all seriously fallen in love with this heavenly creation and the results of this magical cream that takes marine biotechnology to a new level!

XMF (Extra Marine Filler) is a 100% sustainable marine extract derived from plankton. This unique ingredient replenishes lipids to make skin plumper and younger-looking within one hour, according to company testing. It works by depositing an invisible film on the skin’s surface, which fills and smooths wrinkles. Beneath the surface, the EPS (ExoPolySaccharides) increase production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid for long-lasting results.

Key Ingredients:

XMF EPS – Phytomer Advance Research’s exclusive discovery; smooths and firms skin.

Morio Orchid – a rare, protected plant sustainably grown by Phytomer; protects against free radicals and complexion-ageing sugars.

It’s loaded with amazing ingredients and feels unlike any other cream. Even though it’s very lightweight it packs in an abundance of hydration. From first use skin looks fresher and fuller without feeling greasy, after several weeks you’ll see the real results; a noticeable firming and softening on wrinkles.

If you like a richer texture there is a new addition to the range; PIONNIÈRE XMF PERFECTION YOUTH RICH CREAM.  This one has the added benefits of Schizochytrium Oil – 100% natural oil derived from micro-algae; rich in acids (including Omega-3 fatty acids) that protect, strengthen and lock in moisture, and a great solution for very dry skin!

PHYTOMER means “plants of the sea,” and every one of their products contains seawater, seaweed or seaside plants. All natural ingredients. No animal testing.


Yes it’s a little pricey for these two creams but with results like these, we think it’s worth the splurge! Also….this March, if you buy either one of these cult favourites, you’ll receive a full size XMF Rich Cleansing Cream for FREE. Now that’s what we are talking about!

Beauty Collective - Phytomer XMF skincare in a tray with spa brush

Introducing PHYTOMER

Phytomer is a well-kept professional secret in Australia.  It’s a huge range with well over 300 products and is found in the most beautiful spas in the world, and our main concern when we became the official distributor here was would anyone really understand its ethos, function and the marine Bio-technology that makes it so unique and special?

The brand has been on the ground for more than 40 years, and is known and recognized by the professional beauty industry as the world’s leading marine skin care.

But we don’t want to get all sciencey on your first introduction so we’ll tell you why we fell in love with Phytomer and why we think you will too!

  • We are romantics and love a good story and this is the story of 3 generations of a passionate family motivated by the same dream: to transform the riches of sea into treatments for the skin.
  • PHYTOMER comes from Saint Malo in Brittany, France, a marine area known for its exceptional biodiversity (and one of the most beautiful places in the world to go for work visits!).
  • They have their own lab and in there create some of the greatest innovations for the cosmetic industry, other brands go to them for ingredients!
  • They were the first company in the world to develop Marine Biotechnology – taking marine skin care to new heights and enabling iodine sensitive clients to use a marine skin care range.
  • Because they are environmentally conscious they grow their own ingredients rather than keep taking them from the sea.
  • They built “filtering gardens” which purify waste from industry in the area and are completely carbon neutral.
  • They love animals and don’t test on them.
  • Nearly all of the range is vegan.
  • They win awards all the time for their innovative products.
  • And finally, they make skin care that not only feels and smells beautiful but actually works!

With over 300 products there is something for everyone and our office team all has its favourites, however one product stands out as the leader and is definitely worth a mention!


It’s an award winning Anti-Aging Cream featuring XMF, a 100% natural advanced ingredient that is like “filler in a tub”.  In other words it plumps out fine lines like nothing else!

We hope you love the line as much as we do.

Beauty Collective - Fuller Lips

BEAUTY Q&A: What Is The Best Way To Make My Lips Look Fuller Naturally?

The experts here at ELES have been busy beavering away reading all those burning beauty questions you have and in turn have put together a weekly Q&A. Here’s hoping we can help everyone just a little achieve their perfect skincare and makeup daily!

One of the most popular topics of 2018 and 2019 alike is LIPS, and how to make them look fuller naturally, so it’s no surprise that we were asked this very question numerous times too!

Natural, pouty lips after all is something I’m sure we would all love to have but sadly some of us haven’t been genetically blessed, and if you are anything like me the idea of filler in the lips is a NO GO zone. I’m not sold, on the basis that I rarely find it looks natural? But all is not lost! With the right choice of products and crafty application you CAN achieve pouty, pillowy lips naturally and here is how;

  1. PREP

First step is to prep lips. As you would exfoliate the rest of your face, the lips are no different, lips need to be free of dry, flaky skin. Be sure to use a gentle exfoliator and gentle rub off any excess with a face cloth.


Yes we want to keep our lips moisturised, nourished, but we can’t emphasis the importance of hydrating the area around the lips too. Apply a really good lip cream like Phytomer Youth Contour Reviving Wrinkle Correction Cream – Eye and Lips, after all more often than not it is the lines around the lips which can actually be what’s making your lips look thin and aged.

Top with a good lip conditioner.


Take a cream or liquid concealer in a shade lighter than your natural lip colour and smooth all over the lips spreading it a little over your natural lip line. You want to blur the edges so that it’s harder to tell where your lip line is. Try ELES Dual Action Concealer. Next lightly blot your lips to remove excess product.


Select a lip colour that will compliment your complexion but best to avoid dark shades which tend to make lips appear smaller. Better to go with a subtle shade that can be mistaken as our natural lip colour, only a shade or so darker. This will create the illusion of fuller lips.


Once you have chosen your perfect lip colour, match with a Longwear Lipliner in the same or very close to shade. The lip liner will give your lips structure and act as a primer to help bind the lipstick to the lips. Carefully line your lips just outside your natural lip line. Fill the rest of the lips in with the liner, then apply your chosen lip colour. Try ELES Matte Lipstick. Apply with a good lip brush like ELES Lipliner brush for precision application.


Next apply a lip gloss to your lips to accentuate them. A clear or natural colour lip gloss such as ELES Pucker up Lipgloss is the best makeup product for making lips look fuller. Applying the gloss just to the middle of the lips will make lips appear plumper.


Finally apply a highlighter on your cupids bow. Try ELES Liquid Illuminator. Follow all of these steps and achieve fuller lips instantly!